Data & Analytics

Data & Analytics

Master the future of data together.

Rarely have firms mastered a holistic live data foundation—just 5% so far. Build a live data enterprise with elite analytics talent to forge breakthrough products and pioneer the industry’s future.

Extract value from data, cloud and AI investments with certainty and less risk across full-time, on-demand, and executive leadership roles.

Lead, don’t follow:
Data analytics boosts your odds of outpacing rivals by 23X in customer acquisition.
Super unicorns:
Find rare data scientists with storytelling skills and a love for developing software.
Scale data:
Data doubles every 18 months. Our talent communities act as pressure valves to harness data potential.
Tip the scales:
Not all decisions should be automated. Data improves your odds; our recruiting models amplify it.

Skip the jargon—explain in simple terms why our business needs this data and what impact your analysis will have on our operations. - Director of Data Science.

Roles we have recently filled:

Tap our passive candidate pools swimming with gifted data storytellers.

They’re comfortable analyzing complex data, validating their methods precisely and proving their insights have solid foundations:

  • Data Scientist 
  • Data Architect 
  • Data Governance Specialist
  • Data Operations Analyst 
  • Business Analytics Specialist 
  • Director of Analytics  

Adopting a product-based model in a world flooded with crucial data makes businesses agile, lean, and deeply connected to customers—critical for future growth.

Tap into our winning equation:

Talent² + Data(AI/Cloud) = ∆Productivity

  • Hire rare talent² with analytical and storytelling skills and empathy to solve complex customer journey challenges.
  • Tap data scientists who organize around a product rather than a process.
  • Move from challenger to leader using an outcome-based approach to building data-driven products and customer-centric enterprises.


Re-think who you work with

  • OpenNova isn't your supplier; we're your partners. That makes us accountable in your quest to build world-class talent².
  • OpenNOVA are not generalists; we're specialists in product innovation and the talent² to drive it.
  • OpenNOVA recruiting solutions don't just add value; we multiply it. We invest in helping you turn emerging technologies to into tangible solutions.

Ready to build your talent pool?